Kitty and Bunny

While you might not think of different species getting along, there are many examples of animals of different species living in harmony and even helping each other thrive such as cheetahs with their emotional support dogs or the stray cat that broke into a zoo and befriended a lynx.

Lola was already a sweet and easy-going cat, but she was a bit lonely. Auntie Harley prefers the company of humans to other cats and it was clear that even though Lola loved her humans (especially Mr. Eatdrinkcat!) it wasn’t the animal companionship she was looking for.

That’s close enough Lola. I have the high ground. - Harley probably

We briefly considered adding a third cat to the mix, but weren’t sure that was the ideal solution as the two cats we had already had conflicts. But what could we do to keep sweet playful Lola happy?

I had had rabbits when I was a child but not as an adult. The more I learned about them the more it seemed like a bunny might be a good companion for Lola. But would Lola like a bunny? And more importantly would the bunny be safe? Lola is very gentle by nature but still has a hunting drive. Could a cat and bunny really be friends?

Why won’t Harley play with me?

We did a bunch of research and found an amazing Holland Lop Breeder near me, SoCal Sunny Bunnies. (There are also many wonderful bunnies at local rescues some times of year so keep all your options open if you decide to add a bunny to your home!)
After some time waiting we choose a bunny based on his easy-going personality and named him George Michael.

George Michael’s first day home

We picked up George Michael and anxiously waited to see how Lola would react. Would she ignore him or worse, try to attack him? At first Lola wasn’t sure what to do with this tiny little creature that hopped around cleaning his long ears.

Why you so smol George Michael?

As George Michael grew so did his love for Lola. Not only was he a friend to play with, but a true companion that followed here everywhere.

Big feet, bigger heart.

Lola has grown to love George Michael not just as a friend to play with but also a companion who shares her days. She grooms him and spends her nap time cuddling with him in the sun.

When introducing animals to each other it’s important to allow them time to adjust and not force interaction, but sometimes you get lucky and they fall in love.

Keep your paws off my LolaCat.

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